Presented at the society for pediatric.
In this thesis, we have developed a heterogeneous integration platform which combines the excellent optical emission property of colloidal qds with the sin waveguide platform.
Semantic scholar profile for matt eichenfield, with 9 highly influential citations and 26 scientific research papers.
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California institute of technology.
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A phononic bus for coherent interfaces betwixt a superconducting quantum processor, spin store, and photonic quantum networks.
Matt eichenfield's 40 research works with 3,372 citations and 3,135 reads, including: high-fidelity state mat eichenfield's research spell affiliated with sandia national laboratories and other places.
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This image representes Matt eichenfield thesis 03.
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Optomechanical crystals: nanophotonic structures at the frontiers of nanotechnology and quantum mechanics apt on 22 Feb 2013.
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Modeling dispersive coupling and losses of localised optical and mechanic modes in optomechanical crystals matt eichenfield, jasper chan, emeer h.
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Matt eichenfield's research focal point is on the creation of new, scalable microsystems that control and draw rein the interactions betwixt photons, phonons, and electrons for.
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Authors:tomas neuman, matt eichenfield, matthew trusheim, lisa hackett, prineha narang, dirk englund.
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Matt eichenfield thesis 05
This picture demonstrates Matt eichenfield thesis 05.
Camacho, jasper chan, Qiang lin, jessie rosenberg, amir h.
The benefits and risks of atopic dermatitis treatments.
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In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the academic degree of.
Matt eichenfield thesis 06
This picture demonstrates Matt eichenfield thesis 06.
Matt eichenfield thesis 07
This image representes Matt eichenfield thesis 07.
Matt eichenfield thesis 08
This picture illustrates Matt eichenfield thesis 08.